All historical research:
Maureen Mroczek Morris
In Search of Zagłoba (In the NYTs: Zagłoba/Korwin Piotrowski) (about RK Piotrowski, in Polish) | The KORWIN LETTERS | Bednawski Letter
Selected HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ Letters, Translated
Historic Newspaper Articles*
About The Polish Community in California | [CLICK on the dates, or
blue text, to read more] | More links at bottom of page |
1799-1863, Aleksander Zakrzewski, Lithographer,
-- First “Plat” of San Francisco Felix Paul (Feliks Paweł) Wierzbicki
(See: UCSF Toland Hall Mural) Murals created by Polish-born
artist, Bernard Zakheim (1896-1985) California As It Is and As
It May Be by Felix Paul Wierzbicki (About the Author) | (More About the Author)
| Wierzbicki in the USA California’s First Medical Author/Author of First Book
Published in English in California 12/26/1849 (New
Work on California) 12/31/1849 (“A
New Work Upon California” – Lengthy Book Review) 7/13/1850 (Exiles
in California) 12/16/1853
(Poland and European War) 12/5/1854 (The
November Uprising – Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Polish Revolution) 12/9/1854 (“Reconstruction of the Kingdom of Poland”) 3/22/1855 (The Power of Russia) 9/28/1855 (Allied Celebration – Taking of Sebastopol) 4/7/1856 (Lectures on Spiritualism) 7/15/1856 (F.P. Wierzbicki) 7/18/1856 (Dr. Czapkay, Member, Central Polish Committee, 1863) 12/16/1856 (“The Beautiful in Poetry”) 6/3/1857 (Bielawski
Letter to Secretary of State) (page 2) 1/26/1859 (Strentzel’s Vineyard) 12/28/1860 (Felix Paul Wierzbicki obit) (Feliks Paweł Wierzbicki) 8/9/1861 (Stanford, Crocker and
Sacramento Pioneer James C. Zabriskie) 1/22/1862
(Władysław and Andrzej Zamojski | California Polanders) Civil War (“Poles Were Valiant in the
Civil War”) (Krzyżanowski) 3/16/1863 (The
Rising in Poland) 3/18/1863 (Polish
Insurrection) 4/17/1863 (Meeting of Poles; Sympathy With Their
Struggling Countrymen) 4/17/1863 (The Polish Revolution) 4/18/1863 (Polish
Insurrection Not Supressed) (Meeting at the Russ House with Zabriskie) 4/20/1863 (Polanders in San Francisco) (Piotrowski / James C. Zabriskie) 4/21/1863 (Polish
Meeting) 4/23/1863 (Appeal of the Polanders) | San Francisco Bulletin 4/23/1863
(Committee on Polish Affairs) (Newton Booth) 4/25/1863 (Polanders Ask Americans) 4/27/1863
(Sympathy for Poland) 4/30/1863 (Join the Society of Polanders) 5/2/1863 (Society
of Polanders) 5/4/1863 (Polanders: In Honor of Your
Country’s Trials) 5/8/1863 (Central Polish Society Election) | Central Polish Society of the Pacific 5/9/1863 (Central
Polish Committee) 5/19/1863
(Sympathy With the Polish Revolution) 5/20/1863 (To Discuss the Freedom of
Poland) | (Polish Freedom and
Nationality) 5/23/1863 (Polish
Executive Committee) 5/23/1863 (Polish Revolution Sympathizers) (Piotrowski Speech) (transcribed speech) 5/23/1863 (Address, Polish National Committee) 5/24/1863
(General Wright’s Letter to Polanders) 5/25/1863 (Polish
Mass Meeting in San Francisco) (Piotrowski, JC Zabriskie, T. Starr King) 5/27/1863 (The
Cause of Poland) | General Wright and the
Polanders 5/28/1863 (Appeal
for Aid – Sympathy With Poland) 5/30/1863 (A
Russian’s Opinion) | Subscriptions to the Polish
Cause Polish Fund, 1863 | Subscriptions | Subscriptions | More Contributions 6/5/1863 (Appeal for Poland) 6/19/1863 (Polish
Revolution) 6/26/1863
(Martinez and Dr. Strentzel) 7/6/1863 (A Stormy Epoch)
| News of the Day 7/13/1863 Polish
Committee of Sacramento | The Polish Struggle 7/16/1863 The Polish Question 7/17/1863 (Policy
of US to Polish Revolution) 7/21/1863 (“Agent
for the Poles” – Piotrowski) 7/29/1863 Poland: A People Who Have Been
Cheated 8/8/1863 (Meeting
for Poland) (Piotrowski) 8/18/1863 (“Polish Ladies Possess a
Most Lively Wit”) 9/4/1863 (The Polish
Fund) 9/5/1863 (Polish Committee Funds / Martin Prag) 9/11/1863 (The
Polish Question) 9/29/1863 (Polish
Relief Fund in Paris) 10/21/1863 (Piotrowski to
Zabriskie: Gift of Quartz Cane,
Inscribed) 10/23/1863 (The Polish
Question) 10/15/1863 (Proposed Russian Alliance) 10/29/1863 (“To a Polander”) 11/2/1863
(Address of the Polish National Government to the World) 11/7/1863 (Piotrowski Speech) Pacific Polish Association Meeting | Meeting 11/28/1863 (Dr. John Strentzel
Donates to the Cause of Poland) 12/2/1863
(Polanders Meet; Patriotic Speeches; Money for Polish Fund) 12/8/1863 (“After
the Pacification of Poland”) 12/14/1863
(California Contributions to the Polish Cause) 12/15/1863 (San
Franciscans Send $2,000 to Poles in Paris) 12/17/1863 (Aid
for Poland) 1/7/1864 (Polish
Celebration) 1/21/1864
(Celebration of the Present Polish Revolution) 1/22/1864 (Polish
National Celebration, Catholics and Jews)
| The Polish Celebration 1/22/1864 (Poland: An Essay) 1/23/1864 (Polish
Reunion – Synagogue Services) (First Anniversary of Uprising) 2/4/1864
(Address: Polish Committee to the Land
of the Free and the Home of the Brave) 3/3/1864 (Polish Meeting at the Russ House) (Emanuel Charles Christian Russ – Polish) 3/4/1864
(Russians in Poland – Chateau of Count Plater) 3/5/1864 (Polish
Delegation at Funeral of Rev. Thomas Starr King) 4/3/1864 (Dr. Czapkay Retires) 4/5/1864 (Polish Meeting at the Russ House) 5/8/1864 (C. Meyer, Agent for the Polish
Cause) 5/31/1864 (Polish Executive Committee) | Polish Relief 7/9/1864 (Cause
of Struggling Poland) 10/30/1864
(Polish Committee of the Pacific) 12/10/1864
(Letter from Germany: “The Poles”; Count Plater) 1/21/1865 (Polish
Patriotic Celebration at the Russ House) 2/8/1865 (RE The
Polish Revolution) 6/30/1865 (Polanders in California Among
the Most Loyal) 9/24/1865 (Jarosław Dombrowski & RK Piotrowski’s
| 9/30/1865 (“Unfortunate
Race”) 1866-1938 (Gabriel Sovulewski
– Yosemite Trail Builder) 11/3/1866
(Marriage of Captain Kazimierz Bielawski) 2/28/1866 (The
Late Polish Insurrection) 3/13/1866 (Bielawski 1865 RR Map of California) 4/27/1867 (Polish
Exiles Sent to Siberia) 5/10/1867 (A
Vindication of Poland) 2/6/1869 (“Three
Salons” – The Young Chopin) 1870s (Polish 49er; Friend of John Muir) 5/6/1871
(California Pioneer Literature – F.P. Wierzbicki) 7/25/1871
(Political Exile Escape) 11/30/1871 (Reunion at the Iron House – Polish Anniversary) 3/1/1872 (There
Is Hope for Poland) 12/21/1872 (Kraków) 12/1/1875 (Anniversary of the Polish Revolution) | Anniversary of the Polish Revolution 5/19/1876
(National Polish Museum, Switzerland) (Count Władysław
Plater) 5/21/1876 (Polish
Society Gift from Zeltner) (Kościuszko) 7/13/1876 (Poland
Congratulates the United States – W. Plater) 11/14/1876 (How
Polish Exiles Are Punished in Siberia) (Piotrowski) 12/1/1876 (Polish
Society of CA Meeting) (Bednawski Address); Fair Land of Poland 12/2/1876
(Commemoration of 1830 Struggle –
The November Uprising) (Patriots) |
12/5/1877 (Anniversary of the Polish
Revolution) 1/2/1878 (Polish Society Elections) 1/13/1878 (Vote
of Thanks / Polish Society Elections) 1/14/1878 (Polish
Society Elections) 4/5/1878 (Meeting
to Discuss Poles in Turkey) 4/6/1878 (Russian
Atrocities; Poles in Turkey / Krzyżanowski) (Unfortunate Poland) 4/8/1878 (Russia and the Poles: Poles in San Francisco Protest) 10/12/1878 (Krzyżanowski Appointed Treasury Agent) 12/5/1878
(Remembering the Polish Revolution) 1/26/1879 (Siberian Exiles) (Horrible Treatment) 4/13/1879 (Polish Literature) (W. Krzyżanowski
– Civil War) 4/26/1879 (San
Francisco Poles congratulate Kraszewski) 6/24/1879 (The
Polish Language) 1/24/1880 (Polish Society
Celebrates) (San Francisco Bulletin) 1/25/1880 (Poland’s Independence) 3/22/1880
(Aleksander Bednawski, Pol. Soc. of Calif., Modjeska,
“Piteous Poland”) 4/14/1880 (John Muir’s Polish Connection – John Strentzel aka Jan Teofil Strencel) 5/19/1880 (The Poles in Philadelphia – From
Alex Bednawski in S.F.) 6/7/1880 (Bednawski on Polish Rule) 11/20/1880
(Fiftieth Anniversary of Poland’s Struggle) (Half a Century Ago) 11/22/1880 (1830 Independence Day Preparations)
(Alexander Bednawski Sketch) 11/30/1880 (Fiftieth Anniversary of the
Revolution of 1830) 9/25/1881 (Pawlicki on death of President Garfield) 1/29/1882 (Siberian Exiles) (Piotrowski) 2/14/1882 (Polish
Society of California: Solidarity with Persecuted Jews) 3/31/1882 (Bielawski, Distinguished Guest) 12/5/1882
(Commemoration of the 1830 Uprising) 1/1/1883 (Fair
Land of Poland) 1/7/1883 (Society Elections) | 1/26/1883 (Polish Revolution
Anniversary) 1/26/1883 (Twentieth
Anniversary of the Revolution) 1/27/1883 (Polish Struggles) 4/13/1883 (Bednawski Eulogy for Piotrowski) (Obit) 4/14/1883
(Piotrowski: Founded Sebastopol / Fought in Civil War) 4/16/1883 (Expressing
Sympathy for Countrymen) 6/3/1883 (”Poor
Poles”) 7/12/1883 (J.C.
Zabriskie Obit) 9/13/1883 (Sobieski Success Celebrated) 9/14/1883
(Siege of Vienna) 6/16/1884 (Polish
Immigrants) 7/13/1884 (7
Million Sullen and Revengeful Poles) 11/23/1884 (The
Russians in Poland) 11/10/1885
(Expulsion of Poles, Alexander Bednawski) 12/7/1885 (Polish Residents Celebrate;
Send Money to Plater) 10/23/1886 (“Utterly Appalling Name”) 11/3/1886
(Experiences of an Exile of 1831 – Polish Patriot) (Aleksander Bednawski) 11/28/1886 (Rev. Dr. Szule)
(Aleksander Bednawski) (1831 Revolution) 12/31/1886
(Unhappy Poland) 4/26/1887 (Scanty
Colony of Poles in this City
Exceedingly Stirred Up) 4/27/1887 (“What
a Woman of Pluck Can Accomplish” – Modjeska) 9/8/1889
(Modjeska: “I’d rather be a church
singer”) 1/16/1890
(Well-Known Hebrew Dead – Morris Wolff) 7/13/1890
(Literature of Poland Much Ignored) 11/1/1890 (John Strentzel)
(Obit) 2/8/1891 (Death
of Martin Prag)
(Obituary) 3/6/1891
(Immigration Statistics) 6/1/1891 (Former
Gov. Booth Mentions Rudolf Korwin Piotrowski) 12/30/1891
(Destitute Polanders) 11/30/1892
(Sixty-second Anniversary, War with Russia) 2/6/1893 (St. Stanislaus Benevolent
Society) 9/18/1893 (St. Stanislaus Benevolent
Society) 11/29/1893 (63rd
Anniversary, Polish War for Independence) 1/28/1894
(Society of Polish Artists) 2/25/1894 (Bielawski and Pawlicki at
Reception for Poniatowski) 5/16,17,19, 20/1894 (Kościuszko
Centenary Celebration at Fair) 5/21/1894 (Polish
Day Celebrated) 6/25/1894
(Slavonian Day at the Fair) 8/26/1894 (Death of a Warrior Priest) 11/21/1894 (Maria Bielawska Obit) 2/3/1895 (Pawlicki and
Bielawski at Concert) 1/29/1896 (Death of Captain Lessen) 2/18/1896 (Paderewski in San
Francisco, at the Palace Hotel) 2/22/1896 (Paderewski Recital – “Bravo
for the Pianist”) 2/23/1896 (Paderewski in
Oakland) 2/25/1896 (Marsick and Paderewski) 8/27/1896 (Modjeska
/ Bielawski) 1/6/1897 (Modjeska
Stays with Pawlicki) 5/23/1897 (New
Era for the Poles) 6/27/1897
(California Life of a Polish Author – Henryk Sienkiewicz) 12/16/1897
(Adolph Kutner Can Visit Poland) 2/27/1898 (Polish Colony in Southern California) 3/5/1898
(Centenary of a Polish Poet – Adam Mickiewicz) 3/26/1900 (Paderewski at the
Palace Hotel in SF, Second Visit) (Charms San Francisco) 8/4/1900 (“Those
Polish Names”) 5/16/1901
(Society of Poles, Lithuanians…) 6/15/1901 (Bednawski Obit) (Bednawski Headstone) (Lived in San Francisco) 6/26/1904
(Tadeusz and Jan Styka) 3/10/1905 (Bielawski Obit) (SF Call Obit) (Builder of Austrian Fortress is Dead) 4/2/1905 (Cordially Hated by Poles) 11/13/1905 (State of War in Poland) 12/11/1905
(Opinion of Sienkiewicz) 12/25/1905
(Republic of Poland Coming in Near Future) 1906 (1866
Farewell to Mr. Lazard Remembered) January 1909
(Modjeska’s Career Saved by Zagłoba) 12/8/1909 (Polish Society in Oakland) 7/13/1910
(“Almost Uniform Excellence of Polish Literature”) 9/13/1910 (Pietrzycki Obit) 9/18/1910 (Number of Poles in America) 10/14/1911 (Intangible San Francisco:
Modjeska, Sienkiewicz, Booth, Zagłoba) 12/13/1911 (500
Local Poles Hear Polish Soprano, Romanowska) 4/14/1913 (Poles in League Against Russia) (PNA, Branch 7) 5/19/1913 (Polish Societies of City Have
Program) 11/28/1913 (Poles
Honor Heroic Dead) 5/11/1914 (Freedom
Honored by Poles) (United Polish Society of San Francisco) 7/31/1914 (SF Polanders to Fight in War) 8/4/1914 (Poles Come to Relief of Countrymen)
8/10/1914 (Local Poles Appeal to General Public) 8/31/1914 (Polish
Relief Fund Benefit) 9/18/1914 (Polish Mass Meeting to Discuss War) 10/4/1914 (Polish
Societies to Hold Meeting) 11/26/1914 (Honoring the 1830 Revolution—“The November Uprising”) 8/11/1915
(Objection to Colonies) | 1915 Natl. Geographic:
Poland 7/30/1916 (“Appeal Addressed to
Americans”) 11/22/1918 (Polish People to Celebrate) 4/11/1920 (San Franciscan Tells Story of Polish
Freedom – John Zachert) 12/24/1920 (Polish Mass) 12/27/1921 (Pawlicki on “Key to Long Life”) 6/25/1960 (Obit, Zbysław Ciołkosz) Kościuszko Street in Bernal Heights, San Francisco (now
Anderson Street) |
ACKNOWLEDGE US if you cite any of these
articles or material from this collection. We spent MANY hours collecting these data. (Collected by M. Mroczek Morris; Former “Poland in the Rockies sponsor;” Researcher, Cosmopolitan Review; Treasurer, Polish Club SF; Member, PACF)
Zagłoba in S.F. | Polish Pioneers in CA
| Bielawski | Wierzbicki | Bednawski
| Wojciechowski | Piotrowski | Books,
Poles, Early CA | SLIDES: Polish Contributions to California LOOKUPS: Polish Pioneers of
California (M. Haiman) | Polish
Americans in California 1827-1977 (J. Przygoda,
Ed.) | Polish Americans in California Vol. II (H. Simons, Ed.) | Poem @ Wierzbicki Polish Club, 75th
Anniversary Booklet | Polish Club, 80th
Anniversary Booklet
| Polish Society of California | L.
Suckert |
Edward Maximilian Polkowski Rolkin |
Jan aka John Zachert
| “San Franciscan Tells Story of Polish Freedom”
(1920) | Zachert and Twin Peaks | Wife
of Gen. Krzyżanowski at Holy Cross |